Refund Policy
We will refund your purchase in full in case of errors in transactions or any other issue up to 30 days following the date of purchase as long as your purchased license has not yet been activated on an account. Under any other circumstance, you should note that your purchase is final and we do not issue refunds considering the preemptive and flexible nature of our service as explained in the following paragraphs. This does not mean that we will not issue refunds for certain reasons if we deem that it is appropriate. We will however not be required to do so.
Trial Version
Due to the availability of a trial version, you are able to try the software in full for 2 days. You are hence able to test every single feature of the program and know in advance if it meets your expectations and functions properly on your computer or not. There will be no refunds in full or in part for any 'not as advertised' or malfunction claims once a license has been activated and license time starts being used. We do not promise that any subsequent versions of the software will function as you might expect. You are responsible for keeping a copy of the specific version that had fit your needs when you have tested and purchased it.
Downtime in any part of the service in lengths of any amount of time shall not constitute a refund in full nor in part of the service purchased. Instead, we will extend each active account for the downtime length in case of a complete and global disruption of service of at least 12 consecutive hours, such as a login server failure. We will also not offer compensation or refund for any amounts of time that you are unable to access your account due to faults in your system or network configuration.
Hardware Id
We will not file refunds or offer compensation for problems with unusually frequent changes to Hardware IDs, mechanism responsible for identifying your computer and locking your account to it. Before purchasing, you are able to make sure that the Hardware ID assigned to your computer and displayed in the program remains constant over a longer period of time, notably after restarting the program, restarting your computer, installing operating system updates or drivers, after connecting and disconnecting your every day devices or for any other reason.
You agree to contact us and try to resolve a situation amicably before engaging in a formal dispute against a purchase that you have made. You agree to pay for all related costs associated with disputes and chargebacks initiated by you which are without merit or deemed against this refund policy.
Should a refund be granted or required by us for any reason, you agree to pay for the license time used and only be partially refunded for the amount of time remaining on your account + an administrative fee of $1.00.
If you have any doubts or questions concerning this Refund Policy, you may e-mail us at [email protected]
We reserve the right to make changes to this Refund Policy at any time. The date of the last revision will always be posted here.
Last modified on December 1st 2016.